Monday, February 25, 2013

Project Optimism Monday - Reevaluate and Strengthen

It's Monday!  And around these parts, that means a focus on being optimistic!  I've committed to make every Monday's post about something optimistic as part of Project Optimism.  The goal is to begin our week in a positive way.  If you want to join the movement, scoot on over to Keeping It Real and learn more!

So what's going on in your world today?  My world is a bit of a mixed bag lately.  In my last post I discussed my commitments for this Lenten season and promised to bring you on the journey with me. The update isn't great.  I was gun-ho and ready to go, but fizzled out just after the first stretch.  What this means in reality is that I failed miserably at giving up alcohol for Lent.  Like, had a beer the very same night I made my last post!  I'm not beating myself up over it, though.  I decided that evening when DH came home with a fresh pack of beer that I wasn't all that committed in the first place and I enjoy having that beer in the evening.  While the original thought was a good one, now's just not the time.
As for the 40 Bags Challenge, it's going in spurts, and drips and drops.  Basically, I've realized that while I'm still committed to the cause, I just don't have a ton of extra time right now.  Keeping up with Little Man is all I can accomplish some days!  And as he's growing, the messes he creates are too.  When it comes down to it, it's more important to me to be there with him than it is to fill up 40 bags of stuff I no longer need or want.  

But that doesn't mean I'm giving up!  I've managed to unpack boxes that have been packed since we moved over 4 years ago!  And I've got a couple boxes (rather than bags) of stuff ready to tote off to the local thrift store to donate.  I've still got plans to do more packing up and hauling out, and I've revised my vision some as well.  I realized that some of the clutter is right here on my trusty ol' computer - so one day, I cleaned out all my old emails that I no longer need.  Sounds silly, but it felt so good to clean it out!  I use Outlook for my many email accounts and getting rid of all those unread junk emails made my outlook much more optimistic (pun intended)!  Yesterday I sorted through the ginormous stack of papers on my desk, filed the ones that needed to be filed and shredded the rest.  And after that, I started on our taxes!  It feels so great to be making progress.

Another thing I've been spending my time on is a new website I joined called Happify.  I discovered Happify while reading The Inklings of Life post about it and joined immediately.  I don't really know any better way to describe Happify without plagiarizing, so just jump on over to The Inklings of Life and check out her description!

What I CAN tell you about Happify is that it works!  All of the activities are based on scientific principle and basically help you learn how to make being happy a priority.  And the activities are easy and fun - I'm really glad I joined.  I encourage you to go check it out!

So, that's what's happening today.  Tomorrow will surely be different, and I'm optimistic it will be happier!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I saw your post over at GingerSnaps and wanted to let you know you're not alone in trying to figure out how to raise happy children. I think that we have to be role models for them. You've heard the saying "Ain't no one happy if mama ain't happy"? I believe in that 100%! Thank you for posting about Project Optimism... I'll be heading over to check that out.


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