Monday, March 25, 2013

Happy Monday – Spring hasn’t sprung…yet!

Happy Monday!  I hope that wherever you are, the hope of budding flowers and joy-filled Spring days seem a very real possibility to you…

I haven’t posted in over a week!  I’ve tried to get to the computer, but it’s been hectic around these parts.  Here’s a quick rundown of what’s been going on…

Monkey Man came here to stay for his college Spring Break.  He spent time assembling a trampoline that was given to us, playing with Hyper Dog and The Cuddler, and helping DH out on a few projects he’s working on.  Unfortunately, Monkey Man brought the creeping crud with him!  For him it was just a nagging cough that hadn’t gone away yet, for us it has become a nightmare!

Early last week Little Man was a happy toddler cutting two more molars and terrifying me with his knack for trying to use all his toys in ways they were never intended…

Healthy Little Man
 By Wednesday night it became apparent that Little Man was catching the crud.  He’s been a super-healthy baby; the only time we’ve taken him to the doctor for anything other than a regular check-up was when he had an allergic reaction to peanut butter.  So, watching him get progressively worse over the past few days has been torture.

Sick Little Man
 Currently, Little Man has a runny nose that flows faster than any runny nose I remember the older kids ever having (perhaps I’ve blocked out the colds from when the older kids were young).  The runny nose doesn’t seem to bother Little Man, but the cough – it’s simply horrible!  Verging on the seal-barking sound of a croup cough, Little Man cries every time he coughs.  He’s had a fever off and on and has just been generally miserable.  Since there’s really no medicine that can help him other that the ibuprofen I’ve been giving him, the only relief I’ve found for him is snuggling on the couch.  So, I’ve watched Nick Jr. until I thought my eyes were going to fall out of my head and my ears were going to seal themselves shut!  We’ve switched to watching Grey’s Anatomy from the very beginning of the series on Netflix.

Little Man has been sleeping in our bed every night because he wakes himself up coughing in his own bed.  Additionally, the only position he can seem to get comfortable in is laying on top of me with his head on my right shoulder and his knees dug into the left side of my neck.  Needless to say, it hasn’t been the most restful time of my life!  I’ve been fighting a mild version of the crud myself and now DH seems to have caught the full version and looks nearly as miserable as Little Man.

So, I’m clinging to the thought of Spring to get through these days (especially since we got about 6” of snow over the weekend and the temperature is in the single digits this morning)!  Spring will be here soon!  Birds will be chirping, buds will appear on trees and everything that is brown from winter will turn green and show signs of new life and new beginnings!  I know it’s coming…last week before the crud took over our lives I found leaves poking through the soil in our flower beds!

spring is coming
 And speaking of new beginnings and new life, I’m an Aunt!  My Sister-in-law gave birth to her and my brother's first child last Tuesday!  Little Nephew decided to surprise his parents by showing up a week early, on the last official day of winter.  And I’m so grateful that before the crud crept it’s way all around, DH and I got the chance to visit our new family member and his parents in the hospital.  He’s absolutely perfect!

So, HAPPY SPRING to you, even if it doesn’t look like spring here or where you are, yet


Today I'm joining two blog hops:  the Happy Monday Hop hosted at Crazy Casa K and the Mom's Monday Mingle hosted at The Naptime Review.   Check out the hops; it's a great way to find wonderful blogs to read and enjoy!


Is it spring where you are yet?  Got any tips for comforting Little Man (and DH) through the crud?  I'd love your input in the comment section below!


  1. Congrats Auntie C! Humidifiers help! My 4yo has a Vicks one with menthol syrup you put into it, helps her congestion every time! Also Zarbees nighttime(and daytime) cough syrup! I grabbed the suggestion from a fellow blogger, and is a godsend! It stops coughing, and is all natural! I found at Kroger's! Hope you all feel better soon! And I love the lil guy daredevilling on his ridey toy! Too cute!

    1. Thanks for the suggestions! I'll have to see if our local stores carry the Zarbees.

  2. I'm in north central Texas ... it was spring last week. But at the moment it's just 36F so not feeling it. Hope Little Man gets to feeling much better soon!

  3. Congrats! No spring yet here either :[ I hope everyone is feeling better soon!!


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