Saturday, August 31, 2013

11 Lessons I’m Learning from My Toddler

Us parents - we think we’re the smart ones and that it’s our job to instill all this “wisdom” we possess into our children.  But how often do we stop and learn from them?

If I were smart, I’d slow down a little, leave that laundry to just sit there and let my son teach me about life for a day.  If I did, I might learn…

Life isn’t a race.  If you’ve ever spent much time with a toddler, you know that they have a tendency to do things on their own time schedule.  Buddy doesn’t worry about the clock…when he needs or wants something, it’s time to do it.  If I were paying attention, I’d be listening to my body and my heart more and following their schedule rather than rushing around trying to accomplish more than can be done in the time I have – just because I’m worried about what people might think of me and how they might label me.

Eat when you’re hungry.  Also, don’t eat when you’re not hungry!  Buddy is in great shape, right in the middle of the growth chart.  I’m constantly worried if he’s eating enough.  He is, clearly.  His eating habits aren’t tied to emotions or anything other than his body’s needs.  He eats until he’s full and then walks away.  He doesn’t reflect on the rough day he had and thrown down one more cookie.  He eats to fuel his body, that’s it.
Buddy's "Mmmmm" face while savoring breakfast!

Enjoy the life you’re in.  Nearly every bite of food Buddy eats is followed by “Mmmm…”  Buddy isn’t in a rush to stuff that large McDonald’s fry down his gullet.  Nope, he eats one little fry at a time, savoring each bite.  He does the same with nearly everything he eats – taking his time to eat and savor each bite.  He tells us “Thank you” incessantly.  He appreciates the world around him.  How much better would our lives be if we adopted the same attitude of appreciation and savoring?

You communicate all the time.  Buddy doesn’t talk all that much right now, but you almost always know how he’s feeling!  He doesn’t need words to tell you he’s feeling happy, or frustrated, or tired.  He doesn’t need words to say he’d like another piece of toast, a pointing finger aimed at the toast and a smile back at you when you ask if he’d like more toast is really enough.  Facial expressions, gestures, your posture and so much more we all do conveys how your day is going to the world.  What messages do we send without even realizing it?

Communicating that I need to open the freezer!

Don’t give up and don’t expect to get it right the first time!  Don’t worry about asking for help.  Being little means that you’re constantly trying new things.  Some things are accomplished easily while others take lots of practice or many attempts, and failures, before success.  Buddy just keeps trying!  And if he isn’t big enough to do something on his own yet, he asks for help.  He doesn’t judge himself incapable if he can’t do something right the first time.  He doesn’t say he’s “less” because he needed help to accomplish his goal.  How different would our adult lives be if we looked at ourselves this same way?  How different would we feel if we believed to our core that sometimes we just need help and that it’s natural and OK?

Love your body just the way it is!  Buddy has no modesty; he never hesitates to walk around in the nude.  And he loves his body – he rubs his belly in appreciation not disdain because it isn’t smaller.  And I’m not saying that we all need to be nudists or walk around naked.  But we all should quit worrying about what we look like naked and accept that the shape you’re in is just perfect!  I don’t say that to imply that we adults shouldn’t strive to have a healthy body.  But, if we’d spend more time appreciating everything our body can do and less time worrying how people judge us because of our physical appearance, we might actually love our physical selves more!

This little body fits Buddy just right!

Dance when the mood strikes you!  So what if you’re in the middle of Wal-Mart, if there’s some great tunes pumping out of the automotive section just go ahead and dance!  Who cares if people around you don’t get it!  How much better would our lives be if we just all danced when we felt like it, without worrying if you look ridiculous?  WAY better!

It’s all about the tone in your voice.  When DH and I are cross with each other, Buddy can tell.  He doesn’t need to understand what we’re talking about – it’s all in the tone of our voices.  And when the tone you’re using is projected right back to you in babblese (toddler language) it can be startling.  Sometimes we need to check ourselves and what we’re projecting - and adjust our tone!

If you hurt someone, apologize.  Because Buddy’s still figuring out how the world works, he often (always) does things without thinking about the repercussions.  If he whacks me on the head with his squirt gun and I instantly say “Ow!” he immediately plies me with smooches.  It’s his way of saying “sorry” and he does it immediately.  How much different would the world be if we lovingly apologized as soon as we realized we had hurt someone instead of getting all defensive and justifying our actions?


Laugh!  If it’s funny, laugh!  Who cares if you’re the only one laughing?  Who cares if it isn’t even funny?  Just laugh.  It feels sooooo good to laugh!

Don’t worry about what people think of you.  While it’s the last concept I’m sharing today, so much of what I have to learn from Buddy hinges on this.  How many things would we do differently if we never worried what other people think.  And why do we worry what other people think so much?  Maybe if we would all do what we know is right, instead of silently standing in the crowd worried what others will think if we speak out, the world would be a better place.  Maybe other people would step out and speak up, too!  Think like a toddler and just be you!  If you see a characteristic that you like in someone else, copy it – it’s OK!  Just be genuine!

Friday, August 30, 2013

It's Friday and I Feel...

Yeah...I'm in a crappy place mentally and haven't been able to come up with much good stuff for you lately.  But, I did discover a website where you make customized magnetic ribbons and this happened.

Want one?  You can order it here.  Or you can make your own goofy ribbon (or just browse the ones other people have made).

I'm off to do a rain dance or something and hope the Universe gets off my shiz list soon! (Oh yeah...I gotta figure out how to quit cussin' too...Buddy says "sh*t" very clearly and today he started saying "DUCK!" with enthusiasm.  Yeah...I'm pretty sure that's not what he was trying to say.  Any advice on how to break the habit?)

Happy Friday!

DISCLAIMER:  This is not a sponsored post!  I have no ties to the linked website other than discovering it this evening.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Hosting Tattler Thursday Week #16

Hiya Snappers! Welcome back to the 16th week of the Tattler Thursday Blog and Social Network Hop!

It's time to tattle and hop!

It's a share your crazy, gross, hilarious, in-the-trenches parenthood stories, kind of blog hop! We love funny kid stories and we want to hear yours!

Just leave a comment with your story, post not required! So think of your funniest, wackiest or favorite kid stories, leave a comment  with your story/tattle, follow your Hostesses and Co-Hostesses, visit and discover other blogs, and have fun!

Remember the easiest way to get a follow back is to like/follow other pages and leave a comment! So hop around, tell your friends and share, share, share! This is a hop designed for you to have fun and share! Happy Tattling!
about the Blog Hop HERE!

The Rules are:
1- Follow Your Host and Co-Hostesses
2- Grab the button and display it on your blog or hop page/section
3- Leave a comment with a funny, wacky, or gross kid story/tattle

*Be Sure to Hop over to other blogs and visit/network and share the Hop

*Have fun Hopping! (and come back next week!)

Your Hostesses
The Wild and Wonderful World of GingerssnapsComfytown Chronicles
The Co-Hostesses
    Complete Bliss Blog
BabyForScale    New Mama Diaries

***If you are interested in co-hosting the blog hop or would like more information, you can reach us at***

Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday Wrap-Up – Giveaways, Blog Hop &Tattler’s Studio

Hi Friends!  IT’S FRIDAY!!  WooooooooooHooooooooo!

What’s that you say?  I don’t have a job, so why am I so excited about Friday?  Well, first, come spend the day here with Buddy trying to accomplish anything other than tending to him and we’ll talk about jobs.  And second, it’s the weekend!!  I get my hubby back after today (maybe, he tends to work six days a week lately, so we’ll see).
Anyway, now that I’ve reamed you out for something you didn’t even do, here’s what’s going on around here right now…

Thumbs up  You can enter the Laundry Day Giveaway until Monday, August 26th.  I LOVE these dryer balls!!  And, ALL ENTRIES ARE OPTIONAL!!

Thumbs up  The Tattler Thursday Blog Hop is still open!  Come link up your blog and social networks and SHARE A FUNNY, GROSS, OR WEIRD KID STORY IN THE COMMENTS!  Maybe next week you’ll be the featured blogger for next week’s Tattler Thursday (see below for more info).  PLUS, this week I shared a little “tattle” about Buddy and a video of Buddy Boy (if you like it, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube Channel)!

Thumbs up  Ginger over at The Wild and Wonderful World of Gingerssnaps, the creator of the Tattler Thursday Blog Hop, has added to the hop!  Today on her blog you will find the first ever Tattler Studio – a blogger version of Inside the Actor’s Studio!  Today’s featured blogger is an amazing young woman, Alex, who blogs about zombies at The Undead Journals.  I wish I had half of her creative writing ability, she’s amazeballs!

Ginger has committed to hosting a featured blogger on the Tattler Thursday Hop from now on and then choosing a featured blogger each month to interview for the Tattler’s Studio!  Sound fun?  All you have to do is share a story in the comments of the three hop hostesses – W3G, ComfyTown Chronicles, or CHill Thoughts!

Thumbs up and Thumbs down  The Easy Canvas Prints Giveaway is still going!  There are low entries (so the odds of you winning are HIGH!), probably because the company made the rafflecopter with a mandatory email subscription but my advice would be to just go ahead and subscribe for the next week (until the giveaway is over) and then unsubscribe! (For the record, I asked the company rep to remove that mandatory email subscription to no avail – sorry.)

I received my third canvas this week, on the 20th just like they promised!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!


So, that’s it, friends.  I’m excited it’s Friday and planning to escape into the wilderness to camp with my boys again this weekend (we’ve gone camping three of the last four weekends – I’ll have to tell you all about it soon!).  I hope you’re having a great day and have a great weekend ahead of you!  Until next time…

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tattling on Buddy & Hosting Tattler Thursday Blog Hop - Week 15

Hi Friends!  It's time for another rendition of the Tattler Thursday Blog Hop!

I realized I haven't tattled on Buddy lately and figured I should probably get a cute story up here for you this week.  But, as cute as this almost-two boy is, he's more ornery!

There's been a language explosion here lately.  Buddy is saying combinations of words to form short sentences.  One of his favorites is "Bye, guys."  I've noticed that his language mimics mine in that he picks up words that I use frequently.  Well, apparently, I say "Bye, guys." a LOT!  He says it to TV characters, he says it when he's pretending to talk on the telephone, he says it when Daddy (or anyone) leaves our house, and he says it to his pee and poo when he flushes it down the potty.  It's HIL-ARI-OUS!!  He waves as his poo and pee goes down..."Bye, guys! Bye! Byyyyyyeee!"

Well, I'd love to catch that on video but because he's always a nudey-butt when he's waving goodbye to his turds, I haven't taped it.  Anyway, I caught him on tape for a different "bye, guys" moment and thought I might share it with you!  If you enjoy this peak into my day, consider subscribing to my YouTube Channel; there's sure to be more hilarious videos coming soon!

Now...on to the HOP!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hosting Tattler Thursday #14

Hiya Snappers! Welcome back to the 14th week of the Tattler Thursday Blog and Social Network Hop!

It's time to tattle and hop!

It's a share your crazy, gross, hilarious, in-the-trenches parenthood stories, kind of blog hop! We love funny kid stories and we want to hear yours!

Just leave a comment with your story, post not required! So think of your funniest, wackiest or favorite kid stories, leave a comment  with your story/tattle, follow your Hostesses and Co-Hostesses, visit and discover other blogs, and have fun!

Remember the easiest way to get a follow back is to like/follow other pages and leave a comment! So hop around, tell your friends and share, share, share! This is a hop designed for you to have fun and share! Happy Tattling!

about the Blog Hop HERE!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Peanut Allergies - Our Story

I'm feeling a bit sad today because of a blog post I read that ever-so-gently pokes fun at peanut allergies and the seemingly over-the-top requests that some schools must make of the non-allergy kids and their families in order to keep kids with severe peanut allergies safe in school.

So, I'm re-publishing this post I made back in April.  I'm certainly not an authority on food allergies, but I've learned a LOT since Buddy was diagnosed with a peanut Allergy.  If you have any questions, I'm happy to answer them or find you an answer.

A - Allergy  is for Allergy
My first clue that Buddy was allergic to peanuts occurred this past November.  Looking back on it now, it seems so obvious, but I just didn’t catch it.  For several days Buddy was vomiting and couldn’t seem to keep any food down.  Initially, I attributed it to a stomach bug because I had read on a local moms’ group facebook page about a stomach bug that was sweeping through the community.  I was babysitting a friend’s two children that week because her husband, who normally stayed home with her two-year-old, had traveled out of town to assist with animal rescue after Hurricane Sandy had destroyed much of the New England coastline.

What I didn’t look at or even consider for a second, even though neither of my friend’s children caught the stomach bug that I was sure Buddy would share with them, was that Buddy’s vomiting might be caused by a food allergy.

At that time, Buddy was still nursing full time; so not only could a food that he ate cause the reaction, a food I ate could cause it as well.  And in retrospect I’m certain that’s what it was.  You see, my friend had brought me a plate full of chocolate and peanut butter bars that were so delicious that I couldn’t stop eating them, even though I don’t really care for chocolate or peanut butter!  I dubbed the treats “crack bars” and threatened her life if she ever brought me more because I don’t think I shared them with anyone!

That week I ate the crack bars every day.  It was the most peanut butter I had eaten in years, but it was so delicious!  And then Buddy vomited for two days, just long enough to worry me, and the bars were gone and so was the vomiting.  But I didn’t make the connection until nearly a month later.

pb on wheat
On December 6th, 2012 I decided to give Buddy his first taste of a peanut butter sandwich in the hopes of finding a healthy protein he would eat.  I smeared a small amount of creamy peanut butter on whole wheat bread, cut it into squares small enough for Buddy to eat without fear of choking, and served it to him.  He immediately tried the sandwich; I remember feeling so hopeful that peanut butter would be a good way to get protein in him on a regular basis as he refused most other protein sources I offered him.

A few minutes later Buddy vomited everything he had eaten and his face started looking splotchy.  Now, I can’t really explain it, but with Buddy I had been extremely careful with what he ate; making certain he didn’t get any food with peanuts before his first birthday.  When his face started to look splotchy, I immediately suspected he was having an allergic reaction to the peanut butter.  And I GOT SCARED!

I’ve read enough to know that peanut allergies can be life threatening.  And I live in a rural area that’s normally a 25 minute drive from the nearest emergency room.  Even worse, I was well aware that our local ambulance service, an all-volunteer organization, had been struggling to provide service because of internal organizational troubles and might not respond at all.

I quickly began trying to formulate a plan in my head for how to handle this situation; I was home alone with Buddy, I knew I could get to the nearest ER in about 15 minutes if I drove like a maniac on dangerous two-lane canyon roads, and I knew it would take longer than those 15 minutes for an ambulance to get to my house.  I knew I had to stay calm so I could assess the situation rationally.  I grabbed my camera and took a picture of Buddy so that I could assess in a few minutes if he was getting worse or staying the same.

Little Man Allergic Reaction
At this point, Buddy was drooling profusely, his lips were swollen, and he was rubbing his right eye like it was itching severely.  Thankfully he didn’t appear to be having any difficulty breathing.  I worked hard to stay calm, taking photos every few minutes and comparing the newest shots to the photos taken before them.  I called Buddy’s doctor’s office when it appeared his reaction was getting better instead of worse; they set an appointment for us to come in a few hours later.  By thirty minutes later most signs of the reaction had gone away.
(LEFT – 10 minutes after initial photo.  RIGHT -  30 minutes later)
10 minutes later                 30 minutes later
We saw the doctor later that day, who agreed from my description and the photos that we should do further testing.  It took over a month to get in to see the allergist (who was a 2 hour drive away.)  Skin tests and blood tests confirmed that Little Man is allergic to peanuts.

We now carry two EpiPens, auto-injecting syringes filled with epinephrine, with us at all times.  I’ve done tons of research on living with peanut allergies and potential treatment for peanut allergies.  Right now, the only option for Buddy is to avoid all foods that contain peanuts or may contain peanuts.  This is more difficult than I initially believed it would be; peanuts are hidden in all kinds of foods.  And even if a food doesn’t contain peanuts, it may be manufactured on equipment that also processes peanuts.  Adding difficulty to the situation are the laws to protect people with food allergies.

EPI Pens
The law requires that all food labels in the US disclose if they contain any of the top 8 allergens:  Milk, Eggs, Peanuts, Tree nuts (such as almonds, cashews, walnuts), Fish (such as bass, cod, flounder), Shellfish (such as crab, lobster, shrimp), Soy, and Wheat.  Unfortunately, US laws currently do not require food manufacturers to disclose when foods are manufactured on equipment or in facilities that also handle these allergens.  While some companies choose to disclose when their foods may potentially contain a top 8 allergen by listing on the label what the food MAY CONTAIN, many other companies choose not to.

food label
There’s no way to guarantee that Buddy’s next allergic reaction will be the same as his last.  There’s still hope that Buddy will be one of the 20% of children with a peanut allergy that will outgrow the allergy.  While it’s encouraging that his first reaction didn’t include difficulty breathing, there are so many factors that can effect the severity of a reaction.

So, we keep our EpiPens handy; two always with us, two more on my desk at home.  I’ll have to teach Buddy not to accept food from anyone unless DH or I say it’s a safe food.  I’ll have to stay vigilant and educated.  And even with all of the care in the world, disaster could still strike.  It’s a new reality; one I never imagined I would face.  The reality of potentially life-threatening allergies.  It’s an ever-changing reality that I could go on and on and on about. But for today, this is more than enough.

For now, I leave you with some useful information about food allergies.  I encourage you to educate yourself; food allergies in children are growing at astronomical rates and chances are if you aren’t dealing with it in your own children, you will need the information for their friends.

The Food Allergy Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN)
American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
New York Times Article:  The Allergy Buster

Have you dealt with food allergies?  I'd love to hear about your experiences or read your feedback!  Leave a comment below!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Hosting Tattler Thursday Blog Hop - Week #13

Hiya Snappers! Welcome back to the 13th week of the Tattler Thursday Blog and Social Network Hop!

It's time to tattle and hop!

It's a share your crazy, gross, hilarious, in-the-trenches parenthood stories, kind of blog hop! We love funny kid stories and we want to hear yours!

Just leave a comment with your story, post not required! So think of your funniest, wackiest or favorite kid stories, leave a comment  with your story/tattle, follow your Hostesses and Co-Hostesses, visit and discover other blogs, and have fun!
Remember the easiest way to get a follow back is to like/follow other pages and leave a comment! So hop around, tell your friends and share, share, share! This is a hop designed for you to have fun and share! Happy Tattling!

about the Blog Hop HERE!

The Rules are:
  1- Follow Your Host and Co-Hostesses
  2- Grab the button and display it on your blog or hop page/section
  3- Leave a comment with a funny, wacky, or gross kid story/tattle

*Be Sure to Hop over to other blogs and visit/network and share the Hop

*Have fun Hopping! (and come back next week!)

Your Hostesses
The Wild and Wonderful World of GingerssnapsComfytown Chronicles

The Co-Hostesses

***If you are interested in co-hosting the blog hop or would like more information, you can reach us at***
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