Friday, March 15, 2013

High Five for Friday - March 15th, 2013

I've mentioned it before and I’ll say it again:  I LOVE Fridays!  Even though I’m a stay-at-home-Mom these days and technically there is no down time, DH is home more during the weekend and we get more family time together.

Time to eat big weekend breakfasts together and make progress on our gajillion projects we have going at all times.  This weekend Monkey Man is coming home from college for spring break.  Like a typical teen, he advised me only 3 days before his break that he would be coming here Saturday morning.  I’m looking forward to hanging out with him and having a few extra hands to get stuff done this coming week.  Plus, Little Man likes hanging out with his big brother.

I've got movies on reserve and ready to be picked up at the Redbox and plans for a beautiful weekend!  The weather is supposed to be lovely for at least the next few days, and it’s already a balmy 65°F here today!  Baby Girl plans to visit and suggested we grill out.  So, I have a lot of hope that we will have some great fun and perhaps some pictures to share.

Today I am joining the High Five for Friday blog hop hosted at From My Grey Desk.  My high five are below.  If you have a few minutes, scoot over and check out her page and some of the happy high five posts that have linked up today!

  1. Both Hyper Dog and The Cuddler were sprayed by a skunk first thing Monday morning!  OH my did they stink!  Fortunately, I had the supplies on hand to de-stink them!  This photo is right after their bathes.
  2. I’m really intentionally focusing on appreciating the time I have at home with Little Man.  I love this photo because I captured us holding hands in the reflection of his sunglasses; for me, it symbolizes our closeness.
  3. I've been creating graphics for the blog with encouraging sayings.  While I hope that others find them inspirational; creating them and reading them are really good for my heart and soul!
  4. DH bought me a miniature rose plant for Valentine’s day.  While I love living plants and I love roses, I've never had much luck keeping miniature roses alive.  One month later and this one is not only still alive, but it’s getting a few buds!  This truly makes my heart happy!
  5. Oh, this weather we’re having!  It’s so good for us all.  Little Man and I spent a couple hours at our neighborhood playground with friends yesterday and for the FIRST TIME EVER Little Man slept 8 1/2 hours straight last night!!


  1. Thanks for stopping by, Melanie! I followed your blog through GFC a little earlier!

  2. Visiting from Mom's Monday Mingle. Glad to discover your website. I hope you'll share it at this week's Friday Flash Blog on The Jenny Evolution ( Would love to have you join our community.

    1. Jenny - Thanks for stopping by! I've added you to my blogs to read on bloglovin'! I'll definitely check out the Friday Flash Blog!


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