Thursday, December 26, 2013

Not Down For the Count, Yet.

Holy Moly! It's been OVER a week since I sat at my computer, and my fingers on the keyboard feels foreign!  I have a ton of things to catch up on, here in the virtual world and the real world.

A week ago I went to the ER unsure if my stomach pain and misery was real or if I was the biggest wimp in the world.  Turns out I'm no wimp.  I got my very first CAT Scan and Surgery that same day!

Turns out my appendix decided it no longer liked residing in my abdomen and ruptured.  One surgery, three days in the hospital, lots of morphine and IV antibiotics and an extraordinary amount of whining I sit.  A woman with a mountain of laundry to do, a dirty kitchen and a very loving family!

Some other stuff happened in there in between the doses of pain pills and antibiotics...I'll fill you in as I remember the highlights.

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and that Santa was kind to you and yours!!

I'm back!  Not down for the count, yet...

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You had quite the Christmas adventure. Hope you are recovering quickly and are ready for the new year.


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