Saturday, May 18, 2013

If You Love Something, Let it Go…

Blog Every Day in May

Day 18, Saturday: Tell a story from your childhood. Dig deep and try to be descriptive about what you remember and how you felt.

If You Love Something, Let it Go…

When I was little, probably 7 (maybe 8), my mom hired a clown for my birthday party.  I think it was the first birthday after my Dad had died and she was probably trying really hard to make sure I had the best birthday party ever.  I remember it being a good party, but, then I really only remember one part of it…
The clown brought with him (her?) a big huge bunch of helium-filled balloons and gave them to ME!  This was a huge treat, as even an air-filled balloon was a big deal way back then (you know, in the dark ages).  Anyway, I was playing with the balloons and enjoying how they floated.  Then I got the brilliant idea that I should let go of the strings and grab them a second later before they floated away.  The party was outside…

You see where this is headed yet?

Yep, my little 7 (or 8) year old hands weren’t as quick and accurate as I thought they were!  The balloons kept on floating up as I watched in horror!


And then they got stuck in the big tree next to our house,
high enough up to be just beyond everyone’s reach.


Thankfully, my one of my cousin’s scurried up the tree and retrieved the balloons for me as I whimpered on the ground below.  As they were placed back into my little hands, I was warned not to play that game again.  What relief and luck!  I remember being so grateful and maybe even appreciated the balloons more after that!

1 comment:

  1. I keep doing this..not in the literal sense, but in many areas in my life..maybe one day, I will learn.


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