Friday, May 3, 2013

Procrastination–Improve your ability to delay the inevitable!

Blog Every Day in May Challenge

Day 2, Thursday: Educate us on something you know a lot about or are good at. Take any approach you'd like (serious and educational or funny and sarcastic)

So, here’s the thing:  I suck at talking positively about myself intentionally.  What I mean is, I can tell you positive things about myself as long as I don’t feel like I’m bragging.  The real truth is:  I have horrible self-esteem.  When I tried to think about something to write about today I couldn’t really come up with a single positive subject.  So I painted my fingernails instead of writing.


Once my fingernails were dry, I decided to decorate them with my metallic sharpie marker and a contrasting nail color.  And then it hit me…I’m and expert at procrastinating!  Especially when the task at hand challenges me emotionally.
pro inprocrastinate     procrastination1

I wasn’t really feeling great and writing about my skills at procrastinating was still the only real idea I had, so I took a nap.  The day wasn’t a total waste; I washed the dishes and created a new recipe that DH didn’t hate! I also did some internet research on creating blog designs of my own and editing software to use.  Not a total waste of a day, but no blog post!

So, with just minutes left in the day, I’ve chosen to share with you a peek into my life of procrastination.  I even found a great tutorial for you, in case you’d like to become better at procrastinating!
See you tomorrow!

Do you procrastinate? 


  1. Yep. I do! That was my P Post in the A to Z Challenge. It is one of the curses of retirement that there are no longer any deadlines. It makes for a pretty stress free existance, but I never get anything done.If there was a competition, you and I would be leading contenders. But, I'd never get around to entering the contest.

  2. I am so good at waiting until the last minute, just makes it more fun right?

  3. I am good at procrastinating too....I am doing right now. :D

    Anyway, thank you for following and linking up!!! :D

    Iris♥ @ The BlueBirdhouse

    PS: I'll be doing some of her post ideas too! ☺


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